June 4th
Peter 1:2-7. Mark 12:1-8
You are called to perfection
in Him who calls you to
His Presence and to service
in the grace and power of
Our redemptive, sanctifying
love. Be perfect, then,
through My indwelling and
the light and guiding of
Our Holy Spirit: you will
attain as you continue obedient
to the Father’s word
and faithful in His love.
The Father’s gifts
to you and to all who follow
in the way are to enable
and empower, strengthen
and progress you and all
you are given to do in and
through His holy Name. And
remember, I came and I come
that you may have life in
abundance – life to
love the Father in and through
My Presence in your heart
and mind and to love your
brothers and your sisters
near and far, and life to
give yourself fully to do
the Father’s will
according to His loving
purpose, led and guided
by Our Holy Spirit.
Take courage: I, the Father’s
Word and Love Incarnate,
have conquered the world,
(John 16:33) and I am with
you in and through time
and eternity (Matthew 28:20)