June 23rd
Kings 24:17-25. Matthew 6:24-34
The Lord your God, father
of every one born into His
world and creator of all
that lives and moves and
has its being seeks to bring
you to perfection and fulfilment
according to His will and
loving purpose. Before time
was the pattern of perfection
and fulfilment was in the
mind of the Lord Creator,
in time the faithful to
His word and responsive
in His love are brought
to His Presence, in the
fulness of eternity to rejoice
with all made perfect in
His love.
With this constantly in
mind greet every day as
a new beginning and offer
it to Him who holds the
whole world in His loving
hands. Pray to become ready
and prepared to do the Father’s
will in all things in the
grace and power of my indwelling
and the light and guiding
of Our Holy Spirit. I speak
to one, I speak to every
one of the loving Father’s
beloved sons and daughters.
Set your heart and mind
on the Father’s Kingdom
of Eternal Life and Light
and Love and His righteousness
and offer all to the Father
in faith and trust and absolute