June 3rd
4:32:364, 39-41. Romans 8:14-17.
Matthew 28:16-20
The Lord your God who created
you, sustains, progresses
and strengthens you constantly
calls you to His Presence
in and through your faithfulness
to His Word and the grace
and power of Our Holy Spirit.
Let the good purpose of
the Father’s perfect
will be fulfilment in you
in joy and suffering and
in all that may appear to
you as contrary circumstances:
I speak to one, I speak
to every one. Nothing happens
in your heavenly Father’s
world unless He wills or
purposefully allows it.
The word once given to one
faithful follower in the
way is offered to each and
every one and is written
in the Scriptures…,,,’all
things work together for
good for those who love
God and who are called according
to His purpose’ (Romans
The Father is glorified
in all who take Me into
heart and mind and are obedient
to His word in the grace
and power of His love. And
Our Holy Spirit fulfils
the good purpose of the
Father’s perfect will
in them as they continue
faithful in the way and
witness to others according
to His will and loving purpose.