June 1st
Justin Martyr
Corinthians 1:18-25. Matthew
Knowledge is the gift of
the Most High to all who
dedicate the mind and will
to receive it - as they
are able, wisdom His reward
to all who seek for truth
in singleness of mind and
self-giving. Salvation is
My gift in the Name and
love of the Most High offered
to one and all according
to His loving purpose.
It is the will and loving
purpose of the Most High
that all who seek to find
truth in humility, faith
and trust and absolute self-giving
should receive it in and
through Our redeeming, sanctifying
love. Be challenged and
inspired by this truth,
enabled, strengthened and
empowered through Our indwelling.
The supreme gift of the
Son of Man to all who follow
in His steps in the grace
and power of His love is
to share in the carrying
of His cross in their life
and witness. (1 Peter 4:13-14)
Seek to fulfil the good
purpose of the Father’s
perfect will as you are
led and guided by Our Holy