June 26th
Kings 19:9-11, 14-21,31-35,36
Matthew 7:6, 12-14
The kings and rulers of
the earth are subjects of
the Most High, whatever
their commitments or protestations.
The Lord God, creator of
all that lives and moves
and has its being, is lord
of earth and heaven, of
all the living and departed
and of all yet to be born.
Think on these things and
act accordingly: I speak
to one and all.
Mercy, peace and justice
are in the hands of the
Most High and He seeks to
impart them to the sons
and daughters of His love
and, through His love, to
build them into the Kingdom
of His love through Love’s
indwelling and the light
and guiding of Our Holy
Spirit. ‘The word
of God is living and active;
it is able to judge the
thoughts and intentions
of the heart. And before
Him no creature is hidden,
but all are naked and laid
bare to the eyes of the
One whom We must render
an account. ‘(Hebrews
Love is the means and Love
the end, the way, the truth,
the life for one and all.
I, the Father’s Love
Incarnate and His Incarnate
Word, testify and offer
Myself to one and all according
to the Father’s will
and loving purpose.