June 10th
3:9-19. 2 Corinthians 4:18-5:1.
Mark 3:20-30
All things in heaven and
earth are in the loving
Father’s hands. Whether
willed or purposefully allowed
nothing happens but that
He wills or allows it. Seek
nothing but the Father’s
will in all things. In Him
you live and move and have
your being but you are free
to choose to accept and
make progress in the way
He offers or to deflect
through self-will or through
culpable inertia: I speak
to one, I speak to all.
Accept truth as it is offered
you in faith and trust and
absolute self-giving. Follow
as you are led and guided
by Our Holy Spirit. Accept
truth as it is offered you
in reward for your seeking
and be confidently assured
that you will be progressed,
perfected and fulfilled
in the glorious Presence
of the Lord of All as you
continue obedient in the
way and faithful in Our
love. In humility and faith
and trust meet each day
in confident and loving
commitment to Him who calls
you to Himself in the grace
and power of Our indwelling.
I, His beloved and loving
Son am the Way, the Truth,
the Life.