June 11th
11:21-26, 13:1-3. Matthew
He who created you and
is constantly creating you,
with Him who redeemed and
sanctifies you in Our and
love and with and through
Our Holy Spirit, calls you
to loving service and self-giving
according to His will and
loving purpose. His loving
purpose is revealed as you
respond in faith and trust,
His will identified as you
continue faithful in the
way. And so it is for every
one of His beloved sons
and daughters in every place
and time and dispensation.
There is one lord only
of all that lives and loves
and has its being, one truth
variously revealed to the
one and many who seek and
seeking find and finding
offer all they have and
are to Him who perfects,
fulfils, and calls them
to His Presence in time
and through eternity.
You are not your own: redeemed
and sanctified in and through
Our love, sustained and
protected in the Father’s
loving care you are part
of the Father’s Kingdom
of eternal life and light
and love. Pray and seek
to be ready to do His will
in all things that you may
become Our life and light
and love to others according
to the Father’s loving