June 17th
17:22-24. 2 Corinthians 5:6-10.
Mark 4:26-34
Life and light and truth,
the substance and the essence
of the Most High, are offered
to the sons and daughters
of the Most High who seek,
receive and respond to Our
life and light and leading.
The word of the Most High
feeds, sustains and progresses
all continuing faithful
in Our love and leads them
towards perfection and fulfilment
in and through the grace
and power of Our indwelling.
In faith and trust and
absolute self-giving follow
as you are led and guided
by Our Holy Spirit. The
Father’s Kingdom of
eternal life and light and
love is long- established
in His created world. Each
one of His beloved sons
and daughters is called
to become an active, vibrant
member and citizen of His
Kingdom according to His
will and loving purpose.
To you and to all aspiring
to faithfulness in the way
in purity of mind and constancy
of purpose I mediate the
Father’s promise ‘to
those who have more will
be given and they will have
an abundance………blessed
are your eyes for they see
and your ears for they hear.
(Matthew 13:10-16)