November 3rd
Jesus said,
"You must love the Lord they
God with all your heart , with all
your soul and with all your mind .
This is the first and greatest commandment.
The second resembles it: you must
love your neighbour as yourself"
Matthew 22:35-39
Love is the heart and the centre
of all things, the power, the meaning
and the joy: it is the pain, the
challenge, the redemption and the
resurrection. In this knowledge
and power, freedom and fulfilment
does the obedient, mature child
of the Father progress along the
way in His Kingdom which is eternal.
The child of the Father who is orientated
and committed to His creative love
reflects His love according to the
measure of his commitment. So can
the quality of his life be seen
and known as yeast is perceived
in bread.
So with the relationship between
the Father's loving, committed ones
and their fellowmen. His light enlightens,
deepens and gives point, purpose
and significance to every single
encounter where there is openness
and the spirit of caring. And the
challenge and responsibility presented
by the cry of needy humanity is
made bearable by guidance in the
proper response and commitment of
each in money and kind and self-giving
where it is sought. I am the Love
which the Father prodigally pours