Monday, November 13th
Jesus said, "Were your faith the size of a mustard seed you would say to this mulberry tree, 'be uprooted and planted in the sea 'and it would obey you."
Luke 17:6

Commit all that you have, all that you are, to your loving Heavenly Father and ask that you will be guided to do each day that which He wills. So will you become that which he would have you be.

And when problems and difficulties come, trials and tribulations, recall that He is Lord of all things and of all people. Realise that so long as you relate your whole being and intent to His loving purpose, all will be well, both for yourself and for those for whom you care and pray. Have faith! Jettison anxiety and contrary thoughts, for they are the enemy of constructive action and impede the progress of the Father's loving purpose. In yourself and others.

But do not ever think that your own powers are adequate to manage even the smallest assignment given you, or even cope with the inevitable demands of daily life. Live and work, love and pray, in the power and light of our Holy Spirit. Entertain Me in the deepest parts of your being and let Me grow daily more certainly and surely, effectively and tangibly, from the roots of your redeemed and sanctified selfhood. So will you become a rock of certainty and a lighthouse of illumination to others.