Tuesday, November 28th
Jesus said, "Do not be afraid when you witness scenes of disaster but have compassion and act quickly and generously in the light of it"
Luke 21

Realise and understand that the buildings and places by men are bound to fall or be destroyed. Men will fight one with the other until hate and selfishness are overcome by love in their hearts, and commitment to the Father and to each other.

Let these things bring not fear and dread into your heart but hope and insight into the Father's Kingdom of joy and fulfilment. From the corrupt, decaying body of the earth's being will emerge the shoots of glory, for they will reveal the Father's love emerging through lives and witness of the faithful ones. And the shoots will grow and prosper, mature and bring forth fruit for the group, community, the nation and the world. And the fruit of the spirit will be powerful for all generations, even for those yet unborn.

But let each and every one of the Father's beloved children the world over in every race and tribe, every faith and personal commitment for good, realise and act in the knowledge and understanding that each hour and every act is of moment and significance. In faithfulness to the given moment and active commitment to the good which is found at the heart's centre is the safe and profitable way forward. Nothing else suffices.