Wednesday, November 29th
Jesus said to His Disciples, "Men will seize you and persecute you ………..Keep this carefully in mind ; you are not to prepare your defence because I Myself shall give you an eloquence and a wisdom that none of your opponents will be able to contradict"
Luke 21:10-15

The Word of the Father goes forth constantly to enlighten and instruct His beloved children in truth and guide them in life. Those who seek it find it, and consider it in the heart of their being; they grow and prosper in the life of the Father's Kingdom. When trials and difficulties arise Our Holy Spirit will strengthen and illuminate and lead.

And those who are faithful in the way in all nations and faiths, true to the Word that is spoken in the heart of their being, will become the means of the proclamation and understanding of the word according to the loving purpose of their Heavenly Father.

I am The Word, the living, eternal manifestation of the Father's love, offering salvation and fulness of life to all who will accept it both now and in the world to come. And I give to all who will receive My Very Self, entering the hearts and minds of the faithfully committed. These I unite each with the Father so that each may grow in knowledge and understanding and power in His love. And I witness through each to the beloved children of the Father's world as I am given leave, uniting in loving union the faithful in Him and signalling to the uncommitted and the wanderers the way to fulness of life and eternal joy.