Thursday, November 23rd
St. Columba
Jesus said, "Once the hand is laid to the plough no-one who looks back is fit
for the Kingdom of God."
Luke 9:62

No one does himself a greater disservice than he who retracts his commitment to following in the way. Let there be no misunderstanding: all at some time and in some way fall in their progress along the way, some many times. Such falls and failures do not disqualify him from taking the path again, often after retracing his steps. I am always present to set him on his feet again, remedy the hurts caused by the falls according to his acknowledgement of failure and request for full restoration the way. So also those whose pace is slow and burdensome are helped along the way as they share the load with Me.

But beyond the progress of each child along the way is the responsibility he carries as a member of the Father's Kingdom. To each is given a particular and unique responsibility in the work of the Kingdom, with all the resources to bring it to successful fruition. For such will each be accountable at the end of time, and he who fails to accomplish that for which he was chosen and equipped will consider himself diminished at the last.

And besides the joy of challenge and fulfilment in the particular contribution which each is called to make there are many parts every child of the father is given in the daily round - through parenthood, friendship and membership of community.

As you discover each day that which is required of you and commit yourself to accomplish it so will the strength and resources be given you.