Thursday, November
Jesus said,
"Make your home in Me as I make
Mine in you. As a branch cannot bear
fruit of itself but must remain part
of the vine , neither can you unless
you remain in me……I am
the Vine, you are the branches….whoever
remains in Me, with Me in Him, bears
fruit in plenty : for cut off from
me you can do nothing."
To desire to abide in Me is to
seek My will and everyone who desires
to do My will is enlightened and
empowered to do it. So does he bear
much fruit. So many of the Father's
beloved children invite My presence
in them but are content to leave
their progress there, not willing
to take the giant step of identifying
their will with Mine by seeking
to make their home in Me. To identify
with My will is a constant demanding
process. Yet the desire and means
and fulfilment of this intent all
spring from My loving initiation.
It is for each of the beloved children
of the Father, My brothers in service,
to accept the challenge of partnership
in creation and redemption by identifying
their individual self-hood with
the particular and general purpose
of their Heavenly Father. So they
are invited to be co-creators of
the Father's Kingdom on earth and
in heaven and joyful participants
of it.
Those who progress to this standard
of perfection, in and through Our
saving love, men call saints and
they are the great of the earth.
Often to be found in poor and lowly
conditions, they mediate the Father's
love in and through My Presence.
Many are simple in heart, lowly
of mind but their loving commitment
to Our loving purpose binds them
to Our presence. They progress to
the ultimate joys and glories of
eternity, bringing with them the
harvest of the Father's sowing.