Monday, July 4th
Lord………defend us from all perils and dangers……..

Always be alert though never afraid. Our holy angels attend the very steps of those who serve their Heavenly Father. And no deep harm will ever happen to them, however the difficult the way may sometimes seem.

But there are perils and dangers along the way which can and often do ensnare the unwary and the perverse and those who are committed to nothing in particular accept their own desires and fulfilment.

Those who stay close to Me shall never fall. Those who seek the guiding and strength of Our Holy Spirit will never fail though they may occasionally turn aside or stumble, Our Love will reinstate them in the way if they desire it.

The perils and dangers of the day are subtle and dangerous, clearly seen by the spiritually mature. They are in stepping aside from faithful commitment from that which is given them to be and do, and in taking support and help from anything other than what we offer. And those who are mature in the way know increasingly what their way and direction is, what the conditions of journeying, safely and joyfully.

Offer each and every day from its very beginning in the light of this knowledge, live it in this strength, and commit your whole self and the activities and achievements of each day as you end it.