Friday, July 1st
Lighten Our darkness we beseech Thee, O Lord………

There is no darkness for those committed to their Heavenly Father's will and walk in the light of Our Holy Spirit. For My Indwelling Presence lightens from within.

But seeing is only a part of that which is required of the committed ones. There is the leap into action which is often the proper response to the given view of the lighted way. And along the lighted way are those with whom the work or action is to be shared. Their faces must be seen and the presence realised of those who find the going difficult and the many who are hurt and wounded in the way. Some are confused, not a few lost. Right direction for action on their behalf will be given: insensitive approach will do more harm than good.

So the light vouchsafed to the few - because it is sought - will be effective for the many if the going is made in faithfulness and in caring and committed love.

Desire and seek My presence and you will receive all besides.