Sunday, July 24th
Jesus said, "Everything is possible to one who has faith".
Mark 9:23

In the context of the Father's will all things are possible. His rule is over all ; but He reigns in love , So many things which His children think they need or desire He withholds or delays for a greater good.

It is put into the mind and heart what path a child of the Father should take. If that child of the Father responds in faithful action, all that is needful is provided to accomplish that which he was given to do. He must always act in faith once the conviction is received and accepted as cause for action and commitment.

The Father's love is infinite and it is His good pleasure to give to each child whatever is needful for his well-being . And His Kingdom is constituted of people of thousands of races and tongues equally dear as the most precious children of His love.

No petition to the Father should ever be offered without reference to this profound and challenging truth, namely, that His love in each is contained in His love for all. When a child of the Father prays for another he brings blessing upon himself as well as on the one for whom he prays ; for does he not present himself to the Father in pleading for his brother ? So must he pray in his prayers for his own interests that the whole community of the Father's Kingdom is enriched by the request. Then it will work for the good of all.

And recall that I continually stand before the Father interceding for the children of his love whom He has given Me to love and save. How, then, can the desires and prayers of the rightly orientated and committed in love not issue in fulfilment?