Monday, July 25th
Jesus said, "The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve , and to give His life as a ransom for many"
Matthew 20:28

The Father of all creation has loved since before the beginning of time . And because He gave to His world to think and act independently so that there could be consciousness and maturity, He suffered and suffers now in the perversity in which many have transformed freedom into licence.

And I am committed to give Myself in love to the drawing into the Father's embrace the children of His love - each and every one. And the cost has been and is , and will continue to be so tremendous that no human being can ever fathom , nor could he bear it were it possible. This is the service I render humankind in and through My love of the Father in the power of Our Holy Spirit.

Those who are turned towards the loving purpose of the Father and in whatever measure follow that which they see to be the cause of right serve Him, and in serving Him so, too, their fellowmen.

And as their service grows, develops and matures, it must become total in self-giving. Have I not shown the way ? Let all My loving, committed disciples understand that there can be no limit to the service required of them. According to their faithful commitment to the Father in and through Me will be the measure of identification with Me in My saving love for the world.