Thursday, July 14th
Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life".
John 14:6

The way of those committed to the love and service of their Heavenly Father is sure and safe. But it is not always easy, and is sometimes difficult and painful. And it is often the uncertainty of what the next step should be is the most difficult situation of all.

Yet did I not live thus in My human life, seeking continually the will of the Father? Consider the agony of Gethsemane and the pain of the cross. And consider all only in the joy of My glorious resurrection and of My unfaltering union with the Father.

So I am the way in and through all perplexities and difficulties as well as in certainties and light.

What is truth? So did Pilate respond to My presence during My trial before My death. But he did not really want to know the answer, for it would have brought with it difficult and painful contingencies. So many of the Father's children today are in this same situation to the peril of their own souls and the destruction of their society.

And what of life? All life is from within, for it is planted by the Father and in the power and light of Our Holy Spirit who works through each soul according to the response afforded. And I minister constantly and give Myself as food for the soul in whatever discipline that soul adopts. And I yearn to give abundant life to each and everyone.