Wednesday, July 20th
Jesus said, " I am the Bread of Life".
John 6:35

Feed on Me in your heart by faith with thanksgiving - and with joy. Let My risen life so shine in you and through all that you undertake that others will be drawn to the source of your inspiration and enabling.

Use the means I have provided in My Church for reconciliation and perfection. Find in My Church the perfection which exists in the Father and as expressed in and through Me. So will you be a means of bringing to My Church a measure of that perfection which it is perceived to lack when it is represented and lived out by frail and sometimes wayward men and women.

Seek nourishment daily by centring in Me; set time aside, seeking the aid of Our Holy Spirit who will discipline and lead and guide. So will all your activities be orientated towards that which is required and necessary and your leisure relaxed and re-creating.

Learn what it means to live and work 'in' Me. Recall often that without Me you can do nothing, for not only do I feed and minister to the soul's need, but I have in My keeping the souls of others who seek, with you, to serve the Father. All are one in Me, nourished and guided and woven into the Father's glorious cosmic pattern through the operation of Our Holy and Glorious Spirit.

These are mysteries which we seek to reveal to the faithful in love and commitment. Align yourself for your salvation and perfection and for the cause of the Father's loving purpose for His world.