January 4th
1 John
3:7-10. John 1:35-42
Spend time with Me daily and I
will lead you into truth and the
Presence of the Father, Lord Most
High. I, Only-begotten of the Father
and His Word - made – Flesh
am His holiness in His world and
all who live in me and I in them
receive the holiness which He offers
through My indwelling – as
they continue faithful in the Way
- according to His will and loving
Holiness is life in Me through
My indwelling and the light and
guiding of Our Holy Spirit. I am
in the Father, the source of all
holiness, and He in Me. Respond
to the Father’s Word that
you may become holy even as He is
holy . (I speak to one, I speak
to every one). It is written’
I am the Lord your God; consecrate
yourself, therefore, for I am holy’
( (Leviticus 11:44 and 1 Peter 1:16)