January 25th
The Conversion
of St. Paul
22:3-10. Mark 16:15-18
The light of the glory of the Most
High shines in all responding to
His Word in the grace and power
of His Love and the dynamic of Our
Holy Spirit. His Word and Love are
offered to all responding to Him
who brought them into being and
seeks to bring them to the fulness
of His loving purpose in the context
of His created world and His Kingdom
of eternal life and light and love.
You are part of that cosmic and
eternal undertaking. I speak to
every one of the Father’s
beloved sons and daughters. Become
what you are called to be and seek
to do those things the Most High
wills and purposes for and through
you for the extension of His Kingdom
in His world and your fulfilment
in His eternal Kingdom.
As the good purpose of the Father’s
perfect will is fulfilled through
his Word so is He glorified and
His loved and loving ones brought
to perfection and fulfilment in
His glorious Presence through time
and in eternity.