January 11th
1 John
5:5-13. Luke 5:12-16
My cleansing and redemptive power
is life eternal. I am the Father’s
word incarnate and His incarnate
love. Purified and cleansed through
my love you are given life through
the water and the blood of My eternal
offering in and through Our loving
Holy Spirit. Believe and trust,
and pray constantly for the grace
and power of Our indwelling and
for faithfulness in the Way. I am
in the Father, He in Me . All who
in Me and I in them are in the Father
too. Those who love me will keep
My word and My Father will love
them and We will come and make Our
home in them.
All who live in Us and We in them
are called to become Our healing
love to others in and through the
grace and power of Our love according
to the Father’s will and loving
purpose, for ‘the one who
believes in Me will do the works
that I do and, in fact, will do
greater thing than these……….’
I am the Way, the Truth, the Life.
If you know me you will know the
Father too.
(John chapters 14:10,,13,22-24.
And John 17).