January 17th
St. Anthony
6:10-13. Matthew 19:16-26
All you have and all you are is
given you by the Most High, father
of all in earth and heaven and ruler
of all things. And it is offered
to fulfil in you the good purpose
of the Father’s will and service
in His Kingdom of eternal life and
light and love. And so it is for
every one of the Father’s
beloved sons and daughters.
But you have no power of your own
to do the Father’s will or
to know it unless you seek it at
His hands. Pray to know the Father’s
will and for power to do it in the
grace and power of Our love. Through
absolute self-giving and perseverance
in the way you will be brought to
perfection and fulfilment which
the Father yearns to give to each
and every one of His beloved sons
and daughters through My indwelling
and the light and guiding of Our
Holy Spirit.
I, the Father’s word and
love incarnate am the Way, the Truth,
the Life. Follow Me in and through
Our redeeming, sanctifying love.