January 19th
412-16. Mark 2:13-17
In the beginning was the Word and
the Word was with God and the Word
was God. All things came into being
through Him, and without Him not
any thing came into being.
It is the will and loving purpose
of the Most High, lord of all creation,
to receive into His eternal Presence
all that has been cleansed in and
through His holy Word and lives
in the grace and power of His life-giving
Offer all you have been, all you
are and all you are becoming to
Him who brought you into being,
and pray that the good purpose of
His perfect will be fulfilled in
you through My indwelling and the
sanctifying of Our Holy Spirit.
I, he Eternal Word and Everlasting
Love of the Most High in His world
enter every heart and mind which
opens to Our constant Presence and
I cleanse and purify and bring to
perfection and fulfilment in the
Father’s Presence all continuing
faithful in the Way in and through
His loving purpose. And I, beloved
and loving Son of the Father, have
made and make the Father known.
(John 1:18)