January 20th
62:1-5. 1 Corinthians 12:4-11. John
The Most High yearns to see the
glory and the power of His eternal
Presence shine out in His created
world through the obedience to his
Word and faithfulness in His Love
of His beloved sons and daughters.
Such has been His will and loving
purpose since before time was or
anything created. The power and
the glory of His redeeming, sanctifying
Love are offered to the faithful
and obedient in the Way He offers
and the means of bringing others
into the knowledge of His all-embracing
love and fulfilment in His will
and loving purpose for them.
To each one the challenge, to all
the call, with the enabling and
empowering to follow as they are
led and guided by Our Holy Spirit.
The gifts of Our Holy Spirit are
various, fashioned to fulfil in
the faithful and the true of heart
the will and loving purpose of the
Most High in them and in those to
whom He sends them.
Let the good purpose of he loving
Father’s perfect will be fulfilled
in you through My indwelling and
the light and guiding of Our Holy
Spirit: I speak to one, I speak
to every one.