Tuesday, January 1st
The Solemnity of Mary
Numbers 6:22-end. Galatians 4:4-7. Luke 2:15-21

Through My birth on earth the Most High enters in His world: glorify: praise and bless Him and thank Him for the enabling and empowering offered to the children of His love and give yourself to Him afresh through the grace and power of My indwelling.

And honour My beloved Mother who humbly and obediently welcomed Me into the centre of her being and brought forth the Son of the Most High according to the Father’s will and loving purpose.

I, the Father’s Word incarnate and His Incarnate love seek to enter the mind and heart and inner being of every one of the beloved son and daughters of the Most High. Let My beloved Mother be the pattern of your response to the Father’s Word, Unite your prayers with hers and pray with her that the Prince of Peace may grow in hearts and minds, communities and peoples and bring them to the fulness of the Father in and through the grace and power of Our light and love.