Tuesday, January 15th
Hebrews 2:5-12. Mark 1:21-28

I, the Father’s beloved and loving Son, His love incarnate and His incarnate word, am knowledge, understanding, wisdom and the liberating, healing power of the Father in and through Our sanctifying Holy Spirit. I am the Father’s Presence in His world, calling drawing, enabling and empowering all responding to the Father’s love and offering themselves to Him in faith and trust through Our indwelling.

I, the Son of Man consecrated to the Most High, perfect in My obedience to My Father, have redeemed mankind and the Father’s world through suffering and faithfulness to the will and loving purpose of the Father I, with and through Our loving Holy Spirit, save and sanctify each and every son and daughter of the Father who calls upon my Name and offers all they have and all and all they are becoming to the Father in and through the grace and power of Our redeeming, sanctifying love.