January 30th
10:1-18. Mark 4:1-20
Before time was or anything created
it was the loving purpose of the
Most High to call His beloved sons
and daughters yet to be born into
His world to know and love Him and
to enjoy and serve His world according
to His will and loving purpose..
But need there was from the beginning
to receive the light and life and
truth to know the Father’s
will and do it in the grace and
power of His love. And need there
was too, from the beginning, is
now and ever shall. be to the end
of time, to acknowledge failure
in the way offered and to seek forgiveness
and return to the Father’s
will and loving purpose in the grace
and power of His love.
I, beloved and loving Son of the
Father, Lord Most High, His Love
Incarnate and His Incarnate Word
am The Restitution offered for sin
and failure of one and all and bring
all who are in me and I in them
to the Father’s Presence who
acknowledge and repent their sin
and failure and welcome Our redeeming,
sanctifying love into the centre
of their being.
All grows by what it feeds on in
the natural world and in the heart
and mind. Feed on Me in faith and
trust, in joy and in self-giving
as I lead you into perfection and
fulfilment in the Father in the
fulness of eternity. I speak to
every one in the loving Father’s