January 3rd
1 John
2:29-3:6 John 1:29-34
Receive the peace and love of God
which passes knowledge and transcends
all human understanding. I, the
Father’s Word have said ‘you
are children of His love and what
you will be has not yet been revealed.’
Receive the Father’s love
through My indwelling, His word
through the light guiding of Our
Holy Spirit. So will My Presence
save and Our Holy Spirit sanctify.
Be constantly washed by the waters
of your baptism that you may receive
the gift of holiness in Us and make
progress in and through the grace
and power of My indwelling.
As I received the holy life-giving
Spirit from the Father in My incarnate
life and lived and died obedient
to His will and faithful to His
loving purpose so are you called,
beloved sons and daughters of the
Father. Let the good purpose of
the Father’s perfect will
be fulfilled in you through faithfulness
and obedience in and through the
grace and power of Our love.