January 21st
St. Agnes
1 Corinthians 1:26-31. Matthew13:44-52
You and all who seek Truth through
Love’s indwelling are called
to become a follower in the Way
according to the Father’s
will and loving purpose. Not that
you have anything to offer the Most
High, lord creator, except yourself,
your love and your service as you
are led and guided by Our Holy Sprit.
Accept the Gift the Father offers
that He may become in you your liberation,
strength, your holiness and your
progress in the Way and bring you
to the fulness of the Father’s
Follow in the steps of the Son
of Man who was faithful to the Father’s
will in life and death. Identify
with the Son of Man in faith and
trust and love and absolute self-giving.
I, the Son of Man, am in the Father,
He in Me. When I am lifted up in
the hearts and minds of the Father’s
beloved sons and daughters so shall
they have eternal life and glorify
the Father and be glorified in Him.
Such is His will and loving purpose
for every one of His beloved sons
and daughters.
Arise, then, shine, for your light
has come, and follow in the steps
of the Son of Man even to the end.