Thursday, September 5th
Jesus said to Simon, "Put our into deep water and pay out your nets for a catch … do not be afraid, from now on it is men you will catch."
Luke 5:4

Listen to the word spoken at your heart's centre, obey with your whole mind and will and you will become and do the Father's will for you. As it was with Simon Peter in My Incarnate days so is it for all who follow faithfully.

Note the obedience of Peter despite the dictate of his knowledge and experience: his obedience was greater even than his faith in the expected outcome! And he was humbled, for he realised the authority and absolute perfection of Him who commissioned the initiative.

Peter's reward in faithfulness was to become a leader in the harvesting of men and women into the Father's net, the Kingdom of Our love. When he was faithless he sought forgiveness and was forgiven and restored to his great calling and commission.

And so it is for every child of man whoever lived in truth and love and faithfulness to that which was presented to his soul. For I am present with each one, and with Our Holy Spirit encourage, cleanse and bring to ultimate perfection each faithful one, and present him to the Father in eternity.