Tuesday, September 24th
Jesus said, "My mother and brother are those who hear
the word of God and put it into practice"
Luke 8:21

My beloved Mother, loved through countless ages for her devotion to the Father's will and blessed for her obedience is dear indeed to My Incarnate heart.

Yet all the sons of men are dear to me as to the Father: for each I died, and each I love as though there were no other. And all who grow in grace and faith and love through the power of My saving love and Our Indwelling are as My Mother and My brothers and My sisters.

Silently the Father's Kingdom grows as one by one the one addressed responds to Our approaches. As each is faithful to that which he perceives at his soul's centre, as he continues in the way, so does he become and do the Father's will and loving purpose. So is he cleansed, perfected and fulfilled as he progresses, through Our love and guiding, and the Father's Kingdom is extended by the measure of his loving faithfulness.