Thursday, September 19th
Jesus said, "I tell you solemnly, unless a wheat grain falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single grain, but if it dies it yields a rich harvest"
John 12:24

As I became and did the Father's will in My Incarnate life so do I look to all who call upon My Name to do the things I teach and show and ask of them. For as I did the Father's will on earth so do I constantly desire and seek to do His will in them as I am given leave by each. This is the Father's will and loving purpose, to bring all things to their perfection and fulfilment through My saving love and in the light and power of Our Blessed Holy Spirit.

That this may be accomplished in the sons of men there must be death to sin and to the deadly pursuit of self-interest. Each child of man desiring truth and goodness will receive the knowledge and the power to receive them both, though failing many times as he progresses in the way. I am his progress and perfection as he continues faithful to those things I speak at his soul's centre.

Let each beloved child of the loving Heavenly Father seek time with Me each day to learn the Father's will, and to identify with Me in honouring the Father, and in the work of bringing all things to perfection in His Name and through Our saving, sanctifying love.