Monday, September 30th
Jesus knew what thoughts were going through their minds, and he took a little child and set him by His side and said to them, "Anyone who welcomes this little child in My Name welcomes Me."
Luke 9:46-48

The loving Heavenly Father who has sent me to redeem and save all His beloved children who look to Him in faith and trust has given me to know the thoughts and doubts and aspirations of each and every one. And so I minister to their need. So was it in My Incarnate life, so is it now and down the ages and even from the emergence from primeval chaos. So will it be until the end of time. Let every child of man perceive and know the Father's love through the light and power of My Indwelling. For as each one responds in faith and trust and follows where We lead, so will he be perfected and fulfilled and be Our light and power to others. So the kingdoms of this world will become the kingdoms of the Father in time and in eternity.

Let each one who seeks perfection and fulfilment cultivate the simple, humble eager heart and mind of children, with single-minded commitment to the Father's will and loving purpose. Such minds and hearts I enter, cleanse, perfect, fulfil as time and opportunity progress their way in life eternal. And at the end of time all who entertained Us in their lives, responding to Our loving purpose, are welcomed by the loving Heavenly Father.