Sunday, September 29th
St. Michael and All Angels
Jesus said, "Set your minds on God's Kingdom and His justice before everything else, an all the rest will come to you as well"
Matthew 6.33

Let your spiritual eyes look upwards and look inward constantly. Look upward to praise and glorify your Heavenly Father and to thank Him for all the blessings you receive. Ask His forgiveness for your faults and failings, and ask Him to show you His will and purpose for you.

Look inward to discover My Indwelling Presence, the Father's Word Incarnate in the heart and mind of every child of man who seeks to love and serve Him and His other children. I am the truth, the way, the power for action, and with Our Holy Spirit progress each one who looks to Me in faith and trust and love.

All who live faithfully in this way will know and do the Father's will, becoming what He designs before time was. Problems, anxieties and trouble each will find, and each may suffer more through his commitment. So will he walk with Me along the Calvary road. But he will have that deep peace which passes knowledge, the assurance of My Presence now and in eternity with Father and with Holy Spirit, with angels and all the redeemed and sanctified.