Sunday, September 13th
Jesus said, "A student is not above his teacher,
but everyone who is fully trained is like his teacher"
Luke 6:40

In all your problems and anxieties come to me: lay them down before Me and leave them there. I will inform, advise and guide you on the way. There is nothing which need separate from a patient waiting on the Father's will, a confident pursuance His will when it is known and understood. Sadness and pain you will encounter: they are inevitable in the course of human life. These can be powerful in growth of character and maturity of outlook in Our committed ones, a bond of fellowship with others.

Recall how I encountered pain and sadness, betrayed by friend, and death from those I came to love and save. No man whoever lived has known such pain and grief as Mine, nor done more for His fellow men. For I have redeemed and saved each child of man, beloved son and daughter of the Father, who turns from sin and service of the natural self in faith and loving trust. And everyone who turns, continuing in his faithfulness despite all contrary circumstance becomes a cornerstone on which Our Kingdom rests and is extended through Our constant love and ministry.