Monday, September 23rd
Jesus said, "Nothing is hidden but it will be made clear,
nothing secret but it will be known and brought to light"
Luke 8

All light is from the Father: He is light and in Him there is no darkness. All truth is in the Father: there is no truth which is not of Him. I came to be the Father's light to His beloved children, His truth to every child of man. From the beginning I have been the Father's light and truth to all responding to His life and love. In time I lived and died and rose again to be the Father's love to every child of man whoever lived, the truth by which he lives, the light to life eternal in time and through eternity.

And We look to every child of man receiving these, the gifts of truth and light, and walking in the way We lead and guide, to be Our light and truth to others in the way. As each is true to that which he perceives, seeking the Father's will, and fulfilling it in the power of Our Indwelling, so does he become Our light and truth to others. This is the Father's will and loving purpose.