Tuesday, September 10th
Jesus went out into the hills to pray, and He spent the whole night in prayer to God
Luke 6:12-19

Incarnate Love, the Father's beloved Son and Word of Life and Spirit, I came to earth for man's salvation. Each of the Father's beloved children whom He loved into existence is saved and sanctified as he responds to Our voice and to Our guiding. And as he responds and accepts Our life and leading so does he become and do that which the Father wills and purposes within the loving, perfecting context of the whole.

My identity is seen and known through My Indwelling, experienced by those who are in Me and I in them. Our holy ones on earth bear witness to My Presence and to the Father and Our Holy Spirit. And I offer the pattern of My human life for all to follow who seek to know and be the Father's will and glorious purpose.

Observe My priority of prayer and quiet that the Father could make known His will and way to accomplish it. Note how I spent the night in prayer before new enterprise, in choice for leadership, in preaching and in healing. The greater the activity in mind, in body and in spirit the greater need for intensive and committed prayer.

I am the Father's power and love: seek My Indwelling.