Sunday, June 9th
Jesus said,
"I am the vine, you are the branches,
whoever remains in Me and I in him
bears fruit in plenty …. If
you remain in Me and My word remains
in you , you may ask what you will
and you shall get it. It is to the
glory of My Father that you should
beat much fruit. As the Father has
loved Me so have I loved you."
The Father's love is infinite,
pervasive, enfolding, interpenetrating
all that opens to His Presence.
It has created all that is and seeks
to coalesce in one great act of
love all that responds and seeks
perfection and fulfilment. I am
the Expression of the Father's love
in perfect human showing. With Him
in perfect love before time was,
I took on human flesh, and in My
life and teaching manifested His
perfection in the absolute of love.
The power of love, released through
My self-giving in life and death
and through My resurrection, has
made available the Father's love
for all who will accept it.
And in love I seek to bind each
of the Father's children to His
loving heart, progressing and perfecting
every one according to the pattern
of his being and the pace of his
desiring. All so united bear fruit
in plenty through the power of Our
Indwelling and are united with each
other in the way.