Thursday, June 27th
Jesus said, "It is not those who say to Me 'Lord, Lord' who will enter the Kingdom of My Father in Heaven gut the person who does the will of My Father in Heaven. Everyone who listens to these words of Mine and acts on them will be life a sensible man who builds his house on the rock."
Matthew 7:24-27

This is the rock of safety and of progress: a taking to the self the power and solace of My Saving Love in the joy and promise of Our guiding Presence. It is the Father's will and loving purpose for each and every one of His beloved children in every age and faith and people. His love is over all and all are called into His Kingdom. But there must be a choice to follow in the way, and each and every child of His long suffering love must choose to find and do the Father's will as he discovers it.

The way is truth, integrity and love, and We become the love, integrity and truth in each and every one who follows faithfully. Failures, setbacks and sadnesses are swallowed up in joyful progress as they are suffered and experienced in the light and hope of Our redeeming sanctifying power.

Take to yourself, then, the power and solace of My Saving Love in the joy and promise of Our Guiding Presence. As you are built upon this rock you will become Our hope and help to others.