Sunday, June 2nd
I am the True Vine and My Father is the vinedresser……….…I am the Vine, you are the branches. Whoever remains in Me with Me in him bears fruit in plenty, for cut off from Me you can do nothing”
John 15:1,5

Have faith in the Father’s loving care; believe and know that I will accomplish in you all He wills and purposes for you as you receive and entertain Me at the centre of your heart and mind. Quietly commit yourself to His unfolding plan as you perceive it and trust in faith and love that He who has begun such things as He requires will progress and perfect them. For We are one in love and unity of purpose.

And as We live and operate in each beloved child throughout our world of place and time so do We seek to live and move and corporately lead all to perfection. Our Church We look to become the spearhead of Our progress: as she is true to that which I have shown and to My saving love so does the Father’s glorious purpose prosper and progress.

Make your home in Me as I make Mine in you. Seek nothing but the Father’s will and through Our loving Holy Spirit and My indwelling you will become and do it.