Friday, June 21st
Jesus said, "Store up for yourselves treasures in Heaven
….for where your treasure is there will your heart be also."
Matthew 6:21

You will be ready to receive the Son of Man as you desire and seek the Father's will and loving purpose. This is the treasure of the faithful and the true of heart: to find the Father's will in daily living, disposing heart and mind to follow it. The Father blesses each and every one of His beloved children in every faith and discipline who walks in faith, integrity and trust, giving himself in truth and generosity to that which is presented to the soul. The Father leads all such, Our Holy Spirit illuminates and I indwell, prosper and progress, known or unknown. And at the last My part is seen and recognised as lovingly I offer each faithful one perfected through My saving love to the fulfilment for the Father's Presence.

Identify your treasure now, all who aspire to do and be the Father's will and fulfil the Father's loving purpose, for time is short: and all who seek the Father's Presence must seek it through self-giving in integrity and love.