Tuesday, June 4th
Jesus said to the Herodians, "Give to God what belongs to God"

The whole earth belongs to the loving Heavenly Father: He has created all that is and there is nothing outside His rule and power. And the gift He has given to that part of His creation which He has designed to rejoice with Him for ever is the gift of freedom in being and in doing. Within His glorious plan for the perfection and fulfilment of His Kingdom on earth He has given the freedom to choose that perfection and grow into the fullness of eternal life.

And so all on the face of the earth is the Father's: that freedom He gives in obedience and loving commitment is for growth and maturity in selfhood. And I, the Father's Incarnate Love, have offered Myself for man's redemption, and ceaselessly offer Myself to each child of the Father and accompany each one who accepts what I offer. That is progression in love in the day to day life of each to the ultimate joy of the Father's glorious Presence.

Let every child of man learn to discover his place in the Father's world, his part in the Father's plan and purpose for himself, for his work and for his substance.