Wednesday, June 19th
Jesus said,
"have no fear, little flock,
for it is the Father's good pleasure
to give you the Kingdom. Where your
treasure is, there sill your heart
be also."
For this has the Father chosen
you, to bestow upon you and upon
all who respond and walk faithfully
all the blessings which you are
able to receive. Have you not known
and received all that has been necessary
in the past - and more than you
could have imagined for yourself?
So will it be even to the end.
Only desire the Father's will and
loving purpose in small and great
things. Seek singleness of mind
and all will be fulfilled. For the
loving Heavenly Father bestows all
that is necessary for fulfilment
and perfection in and through My
saving love and the light and power
of Our Holy Spirit.
Nothing can harm the soul that
constantly commits all that it has
and is to Our fulfilling, perfecting
love. Whatever pains and setbacks
present themselves along the way
will be dispelled in time. Recall
that I have overcome, and share
My victory.