Tuesday, June 25th
Matthew 7:6, 12-14

Let Our loving Holy Spirit guide you into sharing your spiritual treasure with others: some are not ready for those truths which mean so much to you, while others are not looking for them. Yet they are meant for all the Father's children who can accept them and take them into mind and heart to prompt, encourage and inform.

And each and every child of man is precious to the loving Heavenly Father. He has designed each one and calls each child of man to life in Him, to progress and perfection in the end, to joy with all the redeemed and sanctified and all the hosts of Heaven.

The way to Heaven is through the Father's love experienced and received by every one born into the world, which must be taken into heart and mind. And as the Father's love is entertained and made the base and circumstance of life through My indwelling, do does each one progress and prosper in eternal life.

And as love grows so does the sacrifice of self increase: the natural self gives place to that fulfilment and radiant identity in each which men call "soul".