Sunday, June 23rd
The Disciples asked Jesus, "Master, what good deed must I do to be saved?" Jesus replied, "For men this is impossible, but everything is possible with God."
Matthew 19:16-26

Everything in Heaven and earth exists because the Father willed or purposed it, or let it be until all things are perfected. The light through which all see, the air you breathe, even the thoughts of men are there because the Father makes possible.

The natural world is ignorant of its dependence yet prospers and survives from age to age: so will it be to the end despite man's depredation. The world of men and women and of children the Father has created to find its centre and dependence through faith and trust, intelligence and love. The human race is as dependent upon Him as is the natural world: the gifts He yearns to give must be desired and sought and found in Him and through His loving dispensation.

And I His Son, His Word Incarnate and His Love perceived and known in Heaven and earth, with Our Blessed Holy Spirit, have redeemed, restored and sanctified all in the Father's world that desires, accepts and wills Our Presence and perfecting, however feeble the impulse of their willing. And every child of man is challenged and commissioned to love his fellow-men.