Thursday, June 20th
Jesus said,……. "Where your treasure is there will your heart be also.
Be ready for action…..Hold yourselves ready,
because the Son of Man will come at the time you least expect Him"
Luke 12:35, 40

This is the treasure: the power of My redemptive, sanctifying love. As I have overcome the powers of death and all that alienates in Heaven and earth so is each faithful one endowed with life and power to overcome.

But each must take his part, alert and ready to respond to Our continual calling. No-one will be prepared and ready to take the place the Father has prepared for him in life and in the world who has not listened and obeyed throughout his life. Failures and mistakes, griefs, pain, sadness and all that seemed to hurt in ,life will in the end be recognised as stepping-stones to wholeness and perfection and fulfilment as all are offered to Our saving, love and sanctifying power and life.

Be ready, then, with belts fastened and your lamp alight, because the Son of Man will come at the time you least expect him.