November 6th
Continually recall that I died
for love: suffering is often the
reverse side of love, and joy can
be the concomitant of suffering.
All conditions, experiences and
occasion work together for good
to all the Father's children who
look to Him in faith and trust and
love. And all is contained in the
Father's loving purpose. So must
all that befalls be received with
open hands and prayerful hearts,
with a mind which ceaselessly desires
the Father's will. Such orientation
to life and living comes from constant
return to the point of dedicated
commitment and self-giving. And
it is a life-time's work.
But I am at the point and at every
occasion of the way. I am the way,
and in My wounded hands I carry
all who suffer, all who fall and
look to Me to save in whatever likeness
they discern My Presence.
And every pain and adverse circumstance
offered to Our loving purpose becomes
one with the great work of man's
salvation, and builds that person
offering it into wholeness in the
Father's Kingdom.
This is the open secret of the
saints. Seek to know and relate
to it in all you think and say and
do in the power and love of Our