Monday November 5th
Look to each other's interests and not merely to your own

But look for the interest and well-being through the eyes of your life in Me. As it is My love which reaches out from My committed faithful ones so must it be My action which prompts all that is said and done for their well-being. Let no thoughts of self prevent My loving progress in relationship, community and the far out-reaches of the Father's Kingdom.

There is no time or place where I am not present to dispense the Father's love and power for good. But there must be an open, willing heart, unhindered by the mind and selfish will from following the path as it is shown.

And the Father's love is poured into the hearts of all who turn to Him, with the gifts to further them along the way, so must all be shared, dispensed to others, regarded as the property of all. Yet I will guide the sharing and dispensing. And the spirit of the giving will be Mine. So will love be the presence, the purpose and the joy of all involved in the giving and receiving.